Carrie Neal - Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada

PDGA #: 21336
Home Course: MacArthur Island Disc Golf Course
Bag: Dynamic Discs Backpack Cart by ZUCA with Dynamic Discs Ranger Backpack
Favorite Course: Pier Park – Portland, Oregon
Favorite Disc: Dynamic Discs Classic Soft Judge

Beginner Tip

Accuracy before distance so learn to throw a putter before picking up a driver.

Ask questions and take time to understand what your discs do. It will make putting your game together a lot easier.

Most Memorable Moment

My most memorable moment was TDing the 2006 International Women’s Cup in Kamloops, BC. It wasn’t a big tournament but some of the most influential touring FPO’s of that time attended. Nothing like this had happened in Canada and it was the first time so many touring Pros had crossed the border to play! Many great moments have followed, but this one cemented my love for TDing and giving back.

Career Goals

Of course I am always looking to compete and better my game. However, if I can give back to the sport in a manner that allows for positive growth, more woman in attendance (casual & tournament), and inspire those around me to do better and be better, then I will consider my disc golf career a success. It’s not the destination that counts. It’s the journey that takes you there!

In The Bag


I have a slower arm speed so I look for discs that are lighter and have a smaller rim for easier grip. I have worked several drivers through my bag and this currently where I am at!

Westside Discs VIP Air Hatchet

Anhyzer shots that I need to hold the line.

Latitude 64 Gold Burst Diamond

Longer, glidier, turnover shots.

Dynamic Discs Lucid Air Maverick

Low ceiling or tunnel shots.

Dynamic Discs Lucid Air Vandal (Lucid pictured)

Open lines that I can throw turned over and have it come back quickly at the end.

Latitude 64 Opto Jade

Reliable right to left disc with lots of glide.

Westside Discs Tournament Seer

Straight to right turning lines.

Latitude 64 Opto Air Explorer

Straight shots with left fade at the end or chip hyzer shots.


Dynamic Discs Fuzion EMAC Truth

I love that this disc holds whatever line I give it! It is literally the "point A to point B" disc in my bag!

Latitude 64 Opto Fuse

New to my bag, I use this mostly for anhyzer approach shots.


Dynamic Discs Classic Soft Burst Judge

It just feels right in my hand and I love its predictable flight and amazing glide. #teamjudge

Westside Discs BT Soft Harp

I just started using the Harp for short forehand approach shots. It's grippy and is good in all weather conditions.